Thursday, February 12, 2009

Howto - Disk Wiper, delete private data securely before selling your pc


We really seem to live in an online world today and our pcs generally hold a lot of private information, in fact more than we probably realise. The scary thing is that when we get rid of a pc, do we bother to remove the data on the harddrive? If we do, do we use the normal operating system delete, clear it out the recycle bin and hope for the best? Or maybe we are more cautious and we format the disk. Well surprise surprise, the data is still there. Some free tools from the Internet can recover your personal information. This is even more serious for a business that handles sensitive information! So what can one do? Well I found a nifty tool called DBAN that you can write to a CD/DVD. It is a self contained boot disk and will securely delete your data from your disk. It does this by writing random data to the entire disk, you can select the number of times. It’s a great tool to ensure your privacy and that of your business.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Howto install Jira plugins using Jira on JBoss

I must say most of the documentation on Atlassian’s web site refers to the installation of plugins on the Jira standalone installation. So it took some time to determine exactly what to do with when trying to install a plugin with our installation that is running on JBoss. The process is as follows: Download the plugin jar, copy it to: atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.2/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/, this is your jira build directory. Build the war file by executing ./ in the atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.2 directory. This will build a new war file. Copy this into your JBoss deploy folder e.g. jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/all/deploy/ and restart JBoss.  The new war will not lose your existing projects that were running with the previous war file.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Howto determine linux / unix directory size

This is actually relatively simple, just run du -h /home/joe, this will give you the directory size of joe's home directory. The -h is a useful switch not only for du but also for ls, it provides the size output in a human readable format, that is in MB and G, not 473987523094, enjoy!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Google bookmarks

Probably one of the most under-advertised and useful Google tools is Google bookmarks, the idea is you have access to your Internet Favourites / Bookmarks at any PC. Are you frustrated by having lost your favourites/bookmarks when re-installing your PC or changing computers? Well stop using the browser store for this purpose. Download the google toolbar and sign up for Google bookmarks by clicking on the blue star on the Google tool bar. If you already have a Google account then just sign in with that, else register. Then when you want to bookmark something, click on the star and it will turn yellow. There after you can go to the bookmarked site by clicking on the star. When you lose your pc, no problem just install the Google toolbar and sign in and your bookmarks are back!


Hyperic custom monitoring

As per my recent post, Hyperic has some nice tutorials on setting up custom monitoring. There tutorial shows you how to monitor a server that processes invoices. You basically configure hyperic to execute a script at a certain time interval. The script that they write in the tutorial monitors files moving in and out of a unix directory as the system processes invoices in their example. We used a similar script to monitor our transactions based on entries in our database. The metrics are all imported into Hyperic and from there you can set up the regular alerting and graphing etc. This is very nifty. To see the tutorial go search for hyperic invoice script using the Google search on my blog.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Need a tracking system - What about Jira or RT?

Do you have a development team and want to keep track of the tasks that they are busy with. Well the company I work for uses Jira and RT. RT is a great tool for the support desk. It integrates with our support email address nicely. When a customer sends a message to your support email address, it automatically goes into the RT system. The customer gets a response email that contains a reference number that they can use for tracking purposes. Any replies to support with the tracking number by the customer appends it to the existing issue in RT. The support consultants log into the RT system via a web browser and see their allocated tickets which they work on resolving. The best thing about RT is no call is lost and one can ensure that the help desk resolves all queries and to ensure that they are adequately distributed to the team.


Jira is more for developers where one can log and assign the development tasks to them. It contains various issue types such as “bug” , “new feature”, “task” etc. The beauty about Jira is that it is very customisable allowing you to have customised input fields for issue types, custom issue types and workflows you choose. You can even use it for HR functions like leave capturing, claims etc. It contains various plugins for software repository management tools like svn. Greenhopper is also a nice plugin for Extreme Programming. Use the search on my blog to find more info on these products. Have fun!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Howto do a reverse search on bash commands executed

Bash allows you to find commands that you executed in the past based on a search string. Use control r and then type the command that you are looking for in your history. If you want to see the last rpm commands you used without going through the whole list then “control r” rpm, this will give your last rpm command. Now use your cursor to see other rpm commands you entered.